Monday, May 23, 2011


Okay. I am officially closing the sketchbook part of the portfolio. Thanks for all the posts. Have a great summer!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sketchbook posts.

Here are some drawings from my sketchbook. I really enjoyed this class this spring and I had fun drawing with everyone. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Last Crit Food

Hey Everyone,

I will bring chips & salsa!


Final class

Hi gang,

I will bring some ice tea and chips :)


Final Critique Social

Hi Class,

Please feel free to bring some kind of snack or beverage to Thursday night's final critique. Also, if you post what you plan to bring we can ensure a greater variety of goodies. I'll plan to bring the infrastructure: cups and plates.

Be sure that your work is ready to hang at the beginning of class--remove any tape, tattered edges, etc. prior to class time.

I hope your drawings are going well!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Page from my schetch book

This was an exercise in trying to be more schematic with my drawings. I spent 30 minutes on the sketch. 15 minutes were spent staring at the page because i was having difficulty while looking for ways to make it more schematic. Sorry its so blurry.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Final Portfolio

You will be submitting a final portfolio on May 5.

The portfolio must contain 14 drawings. Choose the best examples of the following:

2 gestures
2 10-20 minute drawings
1 portrait
1 page of features (eyes, nose, mouth)
1 neck/shoulder
1 torso
1 arm
1 leg
1 hand
1 foot
2 open drawings

For the anatomical drawings, choose drawings that best utilize the schematic approach we have been discussing all semester. Simply ask yourself if the drawing would be useful in a figure drawing textbook. Drawings from sketchbooks are okay, but they must be scanned and printed or photocopied at good quality. All work must be signed and dated and clipped together simply.

This portfolio, along with your final drawing, represent the bulk of your final grade.

Hand and Feet

The Arm






Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Research for Final

I've been researching Edward Hopper paintings for my final project. I've always loved his lonely figures and his use of light in his work. I'm hoping to capture 3 "Hopper" like figures to combine for my final. So far, I've found two that I like a lot.... but I will have to play around with a composition. I'm not sure how three figures will work for the composition I'm seeking. Might have to give a different environment instead of the bedroom scene.