Friday, February 25, 2011

Homework for 3/3/11

Choose a figure composition from a painting or drawing with at least three fairly uncropped figures.

Draw the three figures as simple geometric (mannequin) volumes. Keep the original composition as much as possible.

Include as much of the environment as you wish.

Line only for the figures.

Make all volumes as clear as possible. There should be no spatially ambiguous forms.

Take your time, make it look professional, and be sure to capture the gesture of the poses.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

first attempt at homework 2/21

Okay, so this is my first attempt. I think I was working a lot 'slower' then normal and I'm not thrilled with the results. I'm going to re-attempt this assignment and loose some of the value I started and also try to work more quickly to establish my drawing in the beginning. It took a few starts to get used to these new proportions (and to keep the model on the page!)

Sam, you are looking for a drawing similiar to the ones you posted? Without value and focusing on shapes/lines? This drawing is similar to what I was doing in class last week.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Here's a few drawings from my sketchbook, I realize the proportions are a little off and everything seems to lean which i seem to have a hard time with. Hope to improve throughout the semester.

Foot Studies

Recently I've started doing these foot studies since I am not very familiar with drawing them. I've also been working on looking at the inner structure of them in hopes of better understanding how the foot bends and moves. So these are just a few of many that I will be doing.

Homework Post

This is a painting I did while overseas this past semester... I really enjoy painting and I've been told that my drawing are very painterly. I think it's a freer quality for me since sometimes I have difficulty with tighter/detailed drawings. Looking forward for what's in-store for this Figure drawing course... I'm kind of terrible at hands and feet, and proportion so I hope to learn a lot and get better.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just another schematic drawing I did of a household item.

Hello everyone! I had a lot of fun at last weeks class and I just wanted to share some of my favorite gestural figure drawings.

Here are a few quick drawings,

These are some of the 10+ minute drawings:

Sketchbook Stuff

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Studies of my students

I've been drawing my students...
The kids love to see themselves in my sketchbook, so its now a new motivational tool! The one that is all in motion is a student playing the steel drums.

Hand sketches

Monday, February 14, 2011

cat gesture drawings

it is very difficult to get the model to sit still

Sketchbook Page

just a sketchbook page from our last class,
trying to give some recognition to the environment of our class room that we occupy.

Some Recent Portraits


Self Portrait (detail)

Self Portrait

Each portrait is approx. 20" x 30" using a 3B pencil. The portraits are actually a lot brighter than they appear in these photos... I need a new digital camera!

Schematic drawings

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reminder for next class

Your homework is to create a schematic drawing of your hand holding an object. Remember that the goal of a schematic drawing is that it should clearly explain the major forms of the subject in such a way that we understand it as mass and form, like the drawings above do. See the schematic handout for more information.

Also, we will be doing some quick gestural drawings. You will want to have a pad of newsprint for this.


Welcome to the spring semester!

Figure Drawing and Anatomy continues the exploration of the common language of drawing as it relates to the human figure. A schematic approach to the understanding of the human form will be stressed. This blog will serve as an open forum for the students in this course to share ideas, get feedback, and add to the weekly discourse of our class. It will also serve as a news and information source. Check back frequently to get more details on upcoming classes and projects.