Thursday, March 31, 2011

Class 3/31/11

Don't forget to have your drawings ready to be reviewed tonight. Place them in roughly chronological order. Include classwork and homework. Be ready to show progress on sketchbooks.

During class you will have an open session with our model. Use this time to experiment with materials and technique.


Just some 20 minute studies I did while visiting my boyfriend over break. He kept falling asleep on me.
I like the front one better than the back one.

Mural by my house

This mural reminded me of the homework drawings we did the other week.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Hi guys. I wasn't in class the Thursday before break. I haven't seen any posts by the professor about an assignment due this week, so I was wondering: did he assign homework? If he did, what was the assignment?


Friday, March 25, 2011


Trying to draw the twist of my wrist from holding a flashlight

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I think the green drawing is more succesful. Thinking ahead, I added the ribs in the red drawing and I think the perspective is off because of it! I think I will re-attempt similar drawings later in the week. The color pencil is just fun!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Here are my drawings for the two previous HW assignments. The whole face picture is a bit faded looking because I had to be further away to get it all in one picture.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Eyes Nose Mouth

Eyes, Nose, Mouth

Nose, Eyes, Mouth Study

Hello Everyone!

I'm going to go ahead and post some of my sketches for this week. I believe I am gaining a better sense of the basic forms of the mouth, however I'm not feeling too confident with my eyes yet. I enjoy the challenge of trying to interpret all the different shapes of the facial features.


Look forward to seeing you guys tonight.

sketchbook structured facial feaures

Facial feature studies.

Eyes, Nose,Mouth Homework

I had to redraw the eyes a lot because I have a bad habit f drawing them too large. Now they look a little strange.

Eyes, Nose, Lips

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Face Details Assignment

Eyes, Nose, and Mouth

- Matt Greb


This guy is good at drawing hands

unrelated, here's a collection of tutorials:

Helpful Book

I've been having trouble with the eyes (always have!) so I'm attempting to do a little research. I found this book and study of the eyes helpful. Also, I find the drawings of common "types" of noses helpful. I will be practicing these in my sketchbook...

Hw, studies of facial features

The Mouth

The Eyes

The Nose


Eyes, Nose, and Mouth