Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3/4 schematic self-portraits

Over the weekend I decided to take another stab at the full schematic portrait. I think this one is a lot more successful than the one I did in class. In class, I started with the nose and worked my way out. I had forgotten to start with an overall idea of how big the head should be, as a result, my drawing went off the side of the page and generally looks awkward. This time, I started with an overall shape and worked my way in. Although this drawing makes me look like a geriatric drag queen, I think it's on the right track.

Here is the drawing I made in class last week. Doing these schematic drawings feels quite unnatural to me, however after a while I really started to enjoy it. In this drawing though, the eyes are a little too big and close together, also I think the angle of the face is a little exaggerated. I like the nose. My set-up with the small mirror was a little awkward, next time I'll spend a little more time setting the mirror up exactly where I want it.

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